Food, water and shelter are some of the basic necessities of life; you’d be surprised that homelessness is one of the worst social problems in the UK today. We couldn’t even imagine a child sleeping rough on a park bench or a dark and cold subway but sadly this is a reality, which Street Orphans comes to face on a daily basis.
Sponsor a child in the UK and help provide them with a warm meal!
Feeding and providing a safe shelter for homeless children and young people is the obvious first step in tackling this problem. We rescue perfectly good food from being wasted and use it to feed the homeless. We also have teams of volunteers that befriend and meet those living on the streets regularly to make sure they are warm and fed.
We change lives; by providing our service users with the basic life necessities and making sure that we are there for as many homeless people as possible, but we can’t do it alone. There are more that 100,000 homeless children in the UK, a number that grows day by day.
Hunger has such a profound effect on children- it affects them physically by impeding growth and development but also affects them on a cognitive level too. Children can suffer from learning disabilities, stress, anxiety and a number of other cognitive disorders as a result of going hungry. No child should suffer like that. Please help us to help them, by donating generously.